How Botox Treatment Works on Face!

Indeed, facial expressions can affect your face much more than you think. The habit of frowning, squinting eyes, raising eyebrows while surprising and pursing lips in displeasure gradually create wrinkles on the face.

If you are constantly tense, stressed, afraid of something, your face becomes tight, which makes your face muscles more tense and spasmodic. 

This can affect the overall impression of your appearance. To smooth out wrinkles from mimic spasms, make your gaze open, raise your eyebrows and smooth nasolabial, you need to weaken spasmodic muscles and wean your face from harmful facial expressions. For this, you need Botox.

Botox is an essence of bacterium Clostridium botulinum. According to its pharmacological properties, it belongs to muscle relaxants, selectively affecting neuromuscular connections and inhibiting extrafusal muscle fibers.

Botox and its analogs to be used in cosmetology to combat mimic wrinkles, treat excessive sweating, and correct nasolabial sweetness. 

In some clinics like laser skin clinics in Canberra, patients are offered a botox lifting service, which allows them to increase skin elasticity, correct age-related manifestations of gravitational ptosis and make facial contours clearer and more expressive. But, how does the Botox injections world for the face?

Let’s have a look at the following guide to know about it.

What Does Botox Mean of Botox?

Botox is a treatment for injecting botulinum toxins under the skin, which tightens the skin, removes all visible signs of aging, and smoothes wrinkles in the shortest possible time. Botox is injected with a thin needle under the skin of the face, mainly in the cheekbones, chin, and forehead. 

The effect after manipulation is quick but there will be some redness or swelling on the face.  These anti-aging injections can relax the skin muscles. 

How Botox Works On The Face?

The muscles of the face are attached at one end to the bone, and the other to the skin. People make different grimaces and express a wide range of emotions through movement and muscle contractions.

In this case, the skin is constantly stretched and contracted following the contraction of the muscles. In youth, the skin is elastic and the small wrinkles that appear as a result of the movement of facial muscles are easily smoothed out. However, elasticity is lost, wrinkles become deeper with age. At the same time, Botox can ease your pain. 

When Botox is injected into a muscle, the skin above it does not fold. Wrinkles are gradually smoothed out. In this case, the muscle does not atrophy, because the blood supply to it does not stop, which means that nutrients continue to flow to the muscle fiber.

How Botox Is Administered?

The procedure is carried out only in a sterile clinic. After collecting the necessary information about the patient, the doctor treats the skin with a disinfectant solution and asks to grimace.

This is necessary for the placement of injection markings on the face. This is how This is necessary for the placement of injection markings on the face. The procedure can be performed without anaesthesia because the Botox needles are very thin and the injections are almost painless.

Steps of Procedure

  • Preparing the Botox Injections for Face: The patient needs to undergo diagnostics, an introductory consultation and a test for allergic reactions. The cosmetologist informs that avoid drinking alcohol and taking medications before injections.

  • Anaesthesia: An anesthetic cream for local anesthesia is applied to the face before injection. Its use is optional since the manipulation is carried out with a very thin needle. 

  • Botox Injections: After marking problem areas, the doctor injects the drug. The procedure takes 15 minutes. In addition, the needle leaves virtually no marks.

After the Essence of Procedure

Botox injections are given to the muscles. After the injections, muscle susceptibility to nerve impulses is blocked. This method leads to skin tightening and wrinkles smoothing. The effect of Botox temporarily lasts for 3 to 6 months.

Only after a week, you can see the results of Botox completely within 10-14 days after the procedure. The toxin is removed from the body in the course of natural metabolic processes.

Doctors suggest such injections at the age of 30-50. During this period, mimic wrinkles grow pronounced.  For two weeks after the treatment, you must not drink alcohol or take medicines. For a while, it is enough to ignore face massage, baths, and saunas.

How Long Does The Effect Last?

The effect of Botox begins to appear 3-4 days after the injection. The Botox procedure for the face lasts up to six months, but sometimes there are situations when the action of the injection is only enough for 2-3 months. Cosmetologists say that if you start to make beauty injections even before the first wrinkles form, then they will not appear at all. 


The Botox in Canberra is a rather popular treatment preferred by women of any age. Most often, Botox is injected into the lips and forehead, but other parts of the face are not ignored either. 

Botox can remain on the face as long as possible if it is injected correctly. For this, it is important to carefully check the reputable dermatologist who will be entrusted with this procedure.


  1. We can relate to your blog as we Distill Laser Clinic offers Botox treatment in Toronto. An experienced medical team oversees the distill's team of registered nurse injectors. They'll ensure you are getting the treatment that's right for you.


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