Smart Ways to Treat Excessive Underarm Sweating
Sweating is a normal bodily function that maintains a constant body temperature, i.e. thermoregulation is carried out. However, there are cases when sweat production is quite profuse and it's not controlled. Such excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis turns into a big problem for a person, causing a state of awkwardness in communicating with other people, reducing self-esteem, mood and ultimately the quality of life suffers. However there are various excessive underarm sweating treatment options that eliminate the problems related to bad odour and smell.
So, what are the effective ways to treat excessive underarm sweating!
What Is Excessive Armpit or Underarm Sweating?
One of the forms of local hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating in the armpit area. On the one hand, such a state can be a normal reaction of the body to an increase in temperature, strong physical activity, excitement, etc. However, sometimes the increased sweating in the armpits disturbs a person constantly and for no apparent reason.
Against the background of excessive sweating, wet marks appear on clothing. With constant contact with wet clothing, redness and irritation of the skin can occur, and often dermatitis develops in the end. In addition, in such conditions, a fungal or bacterial infection very often joins and a very unpleasant odor appears. This condition can and should be treated.
Effective Ways to Treat Excessive Sweating
They contain salts of aluminum or zinc, which constrict the ducts of the sweat glands, reducing the process of perspiration by 40%. But they practically don't destroy microbes. Antiperspirants are very powerful and should be used sparingly, especially in hot weather, and should only be applied to clean skin.
This physiotherapy method for the treatment of primary hyperhidrosis is especially effective in the case of mild to moderate palmar and foot forms of the disease. The treatment is carried out in baths with ordinary water and aluminum electrodes placed on the bottom through which a constant or pulsed electric current is passed. As a rule, the procedures are performed separately for the hands and feet. They last 20-30 minutes. In total, 10-12 procedures are required to obtain the effect.
This local method of getting rid of hyperhidrosis is effective in any localization of increased sweating. Treatment consists of intradermal injections of the drug into areas of hyperhidrosis. Due to the speed, safety and high efficiency of the procedure, this method is still considered the gold standard for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis. The duration of the effect is 6-8 months, after which repeated treatment is required. When treating this form, a short-term weakening of the thumb muscles is possible, and therefore the initial treatment is best done on one hand.
Laser Treatment
Laser treatment of hyperhidrosis is used to eliminate axillary hyperhidrosis and is carried out under local anesthesia. Exposure leads to damage to the sweat glands and a decrease in the severity or elimination of hyperhidrosis. The doctor calculates the number of units of the drug. After that, local anesthesia is performed, a light emit from the device that directly affects the sweat glands. The whole procedure takes 15-30 minutes.
The availability of various laser clinics will help in choosing the appropriate method to get rid of excessive sweating. miraDry is also one of the most effective ways to eliminate hyperhidrosis. Before choosing the method, it’s recommended that we take recommendations from our dermatologists of a clear skin clinic in Canberra. So, you can achieve the desired results.
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