
Showing posts with the label botox

Smart Ways to Treat Excessive Underarm Sweating

Sweating is a normal bodily function that maintains a constant body temperature, i.e. thermoregulation is carried out. However, there are cases when sweat production is quite profuse and it's not controlled. Such excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis turns into a big problem for a person, causing a state of awkwardness in communicating with other people, reducing self-esteem, mood and ultimately the quality of life suffers. However there are various excessive underarm sweating treatment options that eliminate the problems related to bad odour and smell. So, what are the effective ways to treat excessive underarm sweating! What Is Excessive Armpit or Underarm Sweating? One of the forms of local hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating in the armpit area. On the one hand, such a state can be a normal reaction of the body to an increase in temperature, strong physical activity, excitement, etc. However, sometimes the increased sweating in the armpits disturbs a person constantly and for no ...

How Botox Treatment Works on Face!

Indeed, facial expressions can affect your face much more than you think. The habit of frowning, squinting eyes, raising eyebrows while surprising and pursing lips in displeasure gradually create wrinkles on the face. If you are constantly tense, stressed, afraid of something, your face becomes tight, which makes your face muscles more tense and spasmodic.  This can affect the overall impression of your appearance. To smooth out wrinkles from mimic spasms, make your gaze open, raise your eyebrows and smooth nasolabial, you need to weaken spasmodic muscles and wean your face from harmful facial expressions. For this, you need Botox. Botox is an essence of bacterium Clostridium botulinum. According to its pharmacological properties, it belongs to muscle relaxants, selectively affecting neuromuscular connections and inhibiting extrafusal muscle fibers. Botox and its analogs to be used in cosmetology to combat mimic wrinkles, treat excessive sweating, and correct nasolabial sweetness....