What Facts Do You Need to Know About Skin?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), human skin is made up of 19 million skin cells, 650 sweat glands, 20 blood vessels, and 1,000 nerve endings. It's an integral part of everyone's body and protects it from external influences. That's why, it's necessary to treat it carefully. Although the skin regenerates, it also requires care and attention, and its decent appearance noticeably improves the overall impression of the appearance.

Since beautiful appearance becomes an essential subject, everyone is always in search of effective skin improving methods, from cosmetologists to home remedy options. There are a number of professionals in clear skin clinics across the world who are fulfilling such desires of both men and women. Thus, services, including skin treatments, tattoo removal, injectables, lip filler & flip, hair removal, clear skincare clinic, microdermabrasion, miraDry, and laser in Canberra and other countries become a necessity of humans.

However, there are a number of facts about skin that everyone should know about?

Let’s have a look at those!

Table of Content

  1. Numerous Facts About Skin
  2. The skin loses up to 40 thousand cells every minute
  3. Hyperpigmentation - a protest reaction from the skin
  4. The skin loses a tremendous amount of moisture in the heat
  5. Increased oily skin is a miracle
  6. Tattoos are often underestimated


Numerous Facts About Skin 

The skin loses up to 40 thousand cells every minute

Every second, one of the most important events for our body occurs - cell division. One cell is divided by 2, which is further divided by 2, and so on. The ability of cells to divide is unique to all living organisms. Biologists count about 37 trillion cells in the adult human body. Interestingly, the skin loses 30-40 thousand cells every minute. This means that every day we lose about 50 million cells.

Hyperpigmentation - a protest reaction from the skin

If ugly dark spots appear on the skin like pigmentation, it means the skin has exhausted its "limit" of exposure. Pigmented spots are most often formed as a result of many years of exposure of the skin to sunlight. Ignoring the rules of elementary protection can cause such problems. However, the use of sunscreens can lessen this problem. Ultraviolet radiation is dangerous in any weather and any time of the year. Snow and water can increase sun damage by up to 90% by reflecting it.

The skin loses a tremendous amount of moisture in the heat

The skin plays an important role in regulating the temperature of the human body. On hot summer days, the body loses up to 3 litres of sweat per day. Hence, it's necessary to maintain the body temperature by drinking a lot of water.

Increased oily skin is a miracle

Oil on the skin is similar to the work of a "cream" - sebum protects the skin and prevents it from drying out, and also fights the spread of certain microorganisms. Most microbes are uncomfortable in a greasy environment, they can't multiply when there is a lack of moisture.

Tattoos are often underestimated

The ink used in tattooing contains toxic substances - high levels of lead and arsenic, as well as the dye P-phenylenediamine (or PPD). This doesn't only cause allergic reactions, but it increases the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight and contributes to the appearance of scars. So, check the quality and safety of the injected composition under the skin.


Your skin plays a vital role in protecting your body, so it's essential to take necessary measures to promote skin health. Skincare isn't time-consuming. You can keep your skin looking and feel great while protecting against a range of skin problems, from chapped skin to premature ageing. Hence, it's important to develop healthy skin habits. 

Take care of your health! If you need help regarding skincare tips, contact dermatologists of a clear skin clinic in Canberra.  We provide the right amount of knowledge to improve skin texture and tone. 


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